12. CONSULTANT GROWTH AND RENEWAL. In order for the consultant to continue to grow in his or her technical expertise, Lippitt & Lippitt (1986) encourage the consultant to pursue the following strategies that they found most useful in promoting learning during their personal consulting careers: * Listening to any colleague, client, or student who has an idea or experience to share; * Regarding each client situation as new and, therefore, avoiding the automatic use of materials and designs simply because they worked previously with another client; * Taking every opportunity to engage in co-consulting efforts and consequently, learning from each other; * Preparing speeches on new topics that require learning and organizing new information; * Writing articles on topics that have been addressed in consulting sessions, preparing each draft as soon as a session has been concluded so that the information is fresh in one's mind; * Continually exploring new concepts and models; * Joining professional associations and thereby learning from colleagues; * Organizing discussion groups that meet periodically to share ideas from reading and to discuss the implications of these ideas; and * Finding one particular peer from whom one learns and with whom one shares ideas at an especially deep level, thus becoming clients of and consultants to each other (Lippitt & Lippitt, 1986, p. 209).